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Patching process aborting in Windows 7.

Updated Instructions: WSUS Offline Updater for Windows 7 Systems Instructions.

Part 1 - Acquisition of WSUS Offline Updater.

Download the 11.9 version of the WSUS Offline Updater Located at https://download.wsusoffline.net/wsusoffline119.zip

Extract this to your desktop. 

Part 2 - Scanning and Downloading Updates.

Open the "wsusoffline" folder on your desktop (Depending on the extraction program there may be another "wsusoffline" folder inside the first" open that to) run "UpdateGenerator.exe" Note: The program will inform you there is a newer version of WSUS available and ask if you with you update to that version, Decline updating, version 12+ remove windows 7 support, so we need to stay with version 11.9. Click on the Tab Labelled "Legacy Windows" Select either x86 or x64 Global (Multilingual from the Windows Section - second row of check boxes) Untick Verify Download Updates and then click start. This will now open up a small command prompt windows "black screen" and scan your Windows 7 PC and download any missing updates that you need. Please note this may take a while depending on the speed of your internet connection. Once you are presented with a completed downloads message, close the command windows and close the update generator if it is still open.

Part 3 - Updating the operating system.

Go back to the "wsusoffline" folder and enter the "Client" folder. Run "UpdateInstaller.exe" Leave all setting as they are - but select "Automatically reboot and recall", If the option is available and not ticked, "select Update Root Certificates. Note: The options "Automatically reboot and recall" will automatically restart your computer, reboot it and then once windows is running again recall the updater and continue on with installing updates. This is normal and to be expected, otherwise you will have to do this manually and re run the program each time. Once you are presented with a message stating "updating complete", or "no more updates to install". go a head and close any open windows down. 

Part 4 - re try the NAW Launcher.

Next start up the NAW launcher, you should now see a small message window pop up stating there is an update available, asking if you wish to proceed and update your install. If you’re seeing this message, this means the updating above has worked and you will be able to download the game properly, so press "yes" to the confirmation window and follow the onscreen instructions on the launcher. If however this message does not appear, and clicking on "update" manually still returns a "timeout" error from the launcher, please let us know stating you have completed the WSUS update stage. And we will investigate further with you.

Thanks to Lee Wickham from https://ubehosted.co.uk for your help trouble shooting this issue for our clients!


If your experiencing an unreasonable delay at the beginning and end of a round in single player. 

Its due to the distance between you and the stats server, This can be fixed at a cost, You will loose your stats being recorded in single player only (this will not affect stats when you play on a server) and they will not be added to your BFHQ Players Stats Account, To do this you need to go to C:\Nations At War SVN\python or where ever you put the game, Rename BF2 to BF2_Backup and the rename Backup to BF2.



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