Nations At War Developers.
This a huge shout out to my fellow developers here at Nations At War, without them my dream, turned personal quest to create the best mod for Battlefield 2 would not have been possible!
Peter Vee, One of my oldest friends, for no reason i can fathom has stuck with me through thick and thin with this project! Not only teaching me, but pushing himself to learn new skills to give the game it's professional look and feel.
Jer Youngs. Even though has only been with the project a relatively short time, has accomplished so much in 3 yrs to bring us up to a whole new level, He never gave up! Even when my requests seemed impossible or unobtainable, For this i am forever grateful.
Les Edmondson, Through great personal loss pushed through to the bitter end to where we are now! Many maps would not have made it into the game with out him.
Steven Wilson, Who's stats system / Log in ASP, allowed us to be stand alone and not rely on a third party system to connect, collect stats and function better than gamespy ever did!
Nick Stathakis, struggled with many issues at home, yet is mostly responsible for all the amazing textures you see on buildings in game,
Julie A Gales, My wife who supported my obsession and our daughters, Who went without a lot of daddy time, Yet never made me feel guilty for the time i spent on a game!
There are many other people who had a hand in Nations At War, to many to mention here, but you know who you are and you know how you contributed to get us to where we are now,
Dickie Gales,
You all mean so much to me and have my heart felt thanks for joining me on this roller coaster ride on and off over the last 14 years!